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Documentation for the i3 IPC interface:



Operation = enum
  RunCommand = 0, GetWorkspaces = 1, Subscribe = 2, GetOutputs = 3, GetTree = 4,
  GetMarks = 5, GetBarConfig = 6, GetVersion = 7, GetBindingModes = 8,
  GetConfig = 9, SendTick = 10, Sync = 11 ## when you subscribe to events, these are the kinds of replies you get
                                          ## (the integer values are significant!)
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EventKind = enum
  Workspace = 0, Output = 1, Mode = 2, Window = 3, BarConfigUpdate = 4,
  Binding = 5, Shutdown = 6, Tick = 7
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WorkspaceEvent = ref object
  change*: string
  old*: TreeReply
  current*: TreeReply
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WindowEvent = ref object
  change*: string
  container*: TreeReply
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BarConfigUpdateEvent = ref object
  id*: string
  hidden_state*: string
  mode*: string
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BindingEvent = ref object
  change*: string
  binding*: BindingInfo
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OutputEvent = ref object
  change*: string
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ModeEvent = ref object
  change*: string
  pango_markup*: bool
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ShutdownEvent = ref object
  change*: string
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TickEvent = ref object
  first*: string
  payload*: JsonNode
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Event = ref object
  case kind*: EventKind
  of Workspace:
      workspace*: WorkspaceEvent

  of Output:
      output*: OutputEvent

  of Mode:
      mode*: ModeEvent

  of Window:
      window*: WindowEvent

  of BarConfigUpdate:
      bar*: BarConfigUpdateEvent

  of Binding:
      binding*: BindingEvent

  of Shutdown:
      shutdown*: ShutdownEvent

  of Tick:
      tick*: TickEvent

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RunCommandReply = object
  error*: string
  success*: bool
  parse_error*: bool
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WindowProperties = ref object
  title*: string
  instance*: string
  class*: string
  window_role*: string
  transient_or*: string
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TreeReply = ref object
  id*: int
  name*: string
  pid*: int
  app_id*: string
  `type`*: string
  border*: string
  current_border_width*: int
  layout*: string
  orientation*: string
  percent*: float
  rect*: Rect
  window_rect*: Rect
  deco_rect*: Rect
  geometry*: Rect
  window*: int
  window_properties*: WindowProperties
  urgent*: bool
  focused*: bool
  sticky*: bool
  fullscreen_mode*: int
  focus*: seq[int]
  nodes*: seq[TreeReply]
  floating_nodes*: seq[TreeReply]
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BarConfigReplyKind = enum
  BarNames, OneBar
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BarConfigReply = object
  case kind*: BarConfigReplyKind
  of BarNames:
      names*: seq[string]

  of OneBar:
      config*: OneBarConfig

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BindingInfo = object
  command*: string
  input_code*: int
  symbol*: string
  input_type*: string
  event_state_mask*: seq[string]
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Rect = object
  x*: int
  y*: int
  height*: int
  width*: int
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Compositor = object
  socket*: AsyncSocket
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ReceiptKind = enum
  ReplyReceipt, EventReceipt
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Receipt = object
  data*: string
  case kind*: ReceiptKind
  of ReplyReceipt:
      reply*: Reply

  of EventReceipt:
      event*: Event

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ReceiptType = BitsRange[Header.mtype]
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proc `$`(event: Event): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
render an event   Source   Edit
proc `$`(reply: Reply): string {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
render a reply   Source   Edit
proc newCompositor(path = ""): Future[Compositor] {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, ReadEnvEffect].}
connect to a compositor on the given path, defaulting to sway   Source   Edit
proc send(kind: Operation; compositor: Compositor; payload = ""): Future[
    Compositor] {...}{.raises: [Exception, ValueError],
                  tags: [WriteIOEffect, RootEffect].}
given an operation, send a payload to a compositor; yield the compositor   Source   Edit
proc send(kind: Operation; payload = ""; socket = ""): Future[Compositor] {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, ReadEnvEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
given an operation, send a payload to a socket; yield the compositor   Source   Edit
proc recv(comp: Compositor): Future[Receipt] {...}{.raises: [Exception, ValueError],
    tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
receive a message from the compositor asynchronously   Source   Edit
proc newReply(kind: Operation; js: JsonNode): Reply {...}{.
    raises: [KeyError, ValueError, JsonKindError], tags: [].}
parse a reply for the given operation using a JsonNode   Source   Edit
proc newReply(kind: Operation; payload: string): Reply {...}{.raises: [KeyError,
    ValueError, JsonKindError, IOError, OSError, JsonParsingError, Exception],
    tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
parse a reply for the given operation using json in a string   Source   Edit
proc newEvent(kind: EventKind; js: JsonNode): Event {...}{.
    raises: [KeyError, ValueError, JsonKindError], tags: [].}
instantiate a new event of the given kind, parsing the json input payload from a string   Source   Edit
proc newEvent(kind: EventKind; payload: string): Event {...}{.raises: [KeyError,
    ValueError, JsonKindError, IOError, OSError, JsonParsingError, Exception],
    tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
parse an event of the given kind using json in a string   Source   Edit
proc invoke(compositor: Compositor; operation: Operation; args: seq[string]): Future[
    Reply] {...}{.raises: [Exception, ValueError], tags: [RootEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
perform an invocation of the given operation asynchronously   Source   Edit
proc invoke(compositor: Compositor; operation: Operation;
            args: varargs[string, `$`]): Reply {...}{.
    raises: [Exception, ValueError, OSError],
    tags: [RootEffect, TimeEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
perform an invocation of the given operation synchronously   Source   Edit
proc hasChildren(container: TreeReply): bool {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
true if the container has children, floating or otherwise   Source   Edit
proc everyClient(container: TreeReply): seq[TreeReply] {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
produces a sequence of all leaves (child-free containers) in the given tree   Source   Edit


iterator children(container: TreeReply): TreeReply {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
yields all child containers of this container, omitting the input   Source   Edit
iterator clientWalk(container: TreeReply): TreeReply {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
yields children of this container if they exist, otherwise yields itself   Source   Edit


converter toJson(receipt: Receipt): JsonNode {...}{.raises: [IOError, OSError,
    JsonParsingError, ValueError, Exception, KeyError],
    tags: [ReadIOEffect, WriteIOEffect].}
natural conversion of receipt payloads into json   Source   Edit


template isFullscreen(tree: TreeReply): bool
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